by Gina

5 things to try(if you haven't) at Tamsui Old Street


Thank you girlies and boy for embarking on this exciting project together and making this happen!
An awesome post and standard set by PK!
So how do I go about this?
Shall just blog about where I went today.
My 4th visit here, a must if you're visiting Taipei for the first time!
Well, the weather in Taiwan now is getting a lot warmer!
And summer is here!!!
Vastly different from when I came and I miss the nice cooling weather then :( 

To get here: Take Metro to Tamshui Station, Exit 1

The old street contains many stalls selling fried squid(can try), Ginger Tea, Ice Cream, Plums, Milk Candy etc.
Basically, most of the things that can be found at other places as well. I will try my best to give my recommendations on things to try...
There's a Hello Kitty Pineapple Cakes and Museum of Strange here too.
Spot a cameraman following this guy and girl, whom I don't recognise. But I reckon, I haven't seen a star on the streets so I guess I can make do with this?
Since it's an old street, expect old school shops selling things from the past and souvenirs/postcards and sort. And of course, games like this.
It's pretty fun, taking turns cheering your friends on while they play.
But since I am alone today, I didn't play.

No. 1
阿婆铁蛋 Ah Po Tie Dan
Quail/Chicken eggs that have been cooked and braised such that the egg white has become a thin layer surrounding the yolk. The external layer is tight and chewy, delicious snack!
I think this is a lot for one person and probably it will add to your cholesterol level. 
I would say buy this in moderation and share with others. 

No. 2
Quail Eggs with Tiny Fish (is it silver bait fish?not sure)
This is super love! I eat it every trip I go.
Lots of stall selling but I think this is the best!
They even have a guarantee that each stick is free if there's less than 50 of those tiny fishes.

Spread sauce according to your liking. I love the soy garlic sauce and pepper.

No. 3
Yeh's Wonton Restaurant
Famous because Jay Chou used to frequent this place during his school days.
There's even a Jay Chou set meal.
The wontons are average but would recommend to try at least once, if you like Jay Chou.

No. 4
Plum Tea
The plum tea is different from Singapore as they are not as sweet. It carries a herb taste as well.
Will be a good choice on a hot day.

No. 5 
Ah Gei 阿給
I personally will only try this once.
But, this is supposedly unique to Tamshui so I would say try it at least once.
Maybe you will like it, I don't know~
I feel, the 粉絲 (Tang Hoon) is alright, but for someone that don't like dried beancurd, I don't like the overall taste. In addition, the sauce didn't make it any better.
Try at your own risk!

So here's basically what I think you should try (at least once in Tamsui)!


Basically, the balls (eg. fishball,meatball) are different from what we have back home.
So, the texture is something that needs getting used to.
Thus, I think you can skip this. But, if you're looking at sharing, you can try 1 each~ 
Just for fun!

Also, there's many stalls selling snacks and this can be found in many of them!
I recommend this prawn crackers! Even though I can't take spicy, this spicy flavour is manageable and is the best of the three flavours! 

Hope this helps you!
Stay adventurous! 

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