by Gina

[Taipei] Best Pineapple Cakes! 最好吃的凤梨酥!


We all know that Taiwan's famous for their 太阳饼 Tai Yang Bing and 凤梨酥 Feng Li Su. 
It's in the Must-Buy List of almost every traveller but for me, I prefer our own pineapple tarts at home. 
But today, I have found the new love of my life

I have tried other stores selling these goodies but was not impressed.

So while we were out today, my friend, Cindy (local) recommended this place to me. 
Initially when she mentioned it, I expected it to be just another of those stores I've been to, but since we were nearby (and she told me there's free sample/tea) I decided to go along.
Even though there's other tourists here, the crowd seems lesser.
The exterior of this shop looks like a modern cafe and I would not have known it's a store just dedicated to one product - their Pineapple cakes. 

There's like several staff in the shop, warmly welcoming you.
They will ask if you would like to have tea, PLEASE SAY YES!
If you answer no, they will just bring you to the section where you buy the boxes of pineapple cake and off you go!
If you answer YES, you will be ushered to empty seats in their beautiful and classy guest area, where they will serve you tea and a pineapple cake.

Look how generous they are in offering their products! 
They offer the full sample! And their packaging is so cute and don't look like the normal pineapple cakes!
Some pineapple cakes are too sweet, too dry or the crust part is too thick. 
This is just right.
According to my friend, the pineapples they used are different. 

Although still sweet, it's not exceptionally sweet.
Coupled with the right amount of crust surrounding it, I think it's almost perfecto!
It's near Singapore's pineapple tart jam's taste, which might explains my love for it.
But I think it differs in terms of the overall size and balance of the taste. 
I love the crust of this pineapple cake!
More awesome than our tart version. 

What's more, if you don't like it, just leave!
They're confident like that.
And no, the staff will not show you black face at all!!!

I'm sure if you have tried other pineapple cakes, you will notice the difference between this and others!
Also, it has no preservatives added and only can be kept for maximum 2 weeks.
They are also selling pineapple juice which I did not try(regretting now, but I'll definitely go back) but was said to be really good too!!!

Price: 10 in a box for NTD 420
15 in a box for NTD 630
(A little pricier but WORTH IT!!!)
Pineapple Juice: Pack of 6 NTD 300 

To get here: 
Take metro to Nanjing Sanmin Station and walk 15 mins.
Take metro to Zhong Shan Junior High School Station and take bus 63. Alight 5 stops later at 聯合二村 and walk for 2 mins. 

Address: No. 1, Alley 4, Lane 36, Section 5, Minsheng E Rd, Songshan District, Taipei City, 105

Other outlets in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore etc

Hurry check them out!!!

(Yes! They've it at Raffles Hotel!)

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