by Pk

[UK] Scotland: 1 Day in Edinburgh


Bonjour á tous! Greeting from Lille!

[Finally fixed my post, been having problem posting cause of the really bad internet connection in my dorm in Lille, so please forgive the messy fonts!]

I'm currently embarking on a very veryyy exciting 1 month adventure in this beautiful French city. It's not gonna be easy living here only knowing how to say "Bonjour" and "Merci", but I absoIutely can't wait to share with you about this adventure!

I was so thrilled when Jane suggested the idea of this travel blog because everyone knows, I am a travel freak. Friends who followed my instagram have this perception that I am always on holiday. Well, its kinda true... BUT hey, I studied hard as well ok!

So I am gonna backtrack and share on all the places I have been to ever since I've arrived in the UK. I have no idea where to begin with but guess I shall follow the timeline and start off with my first trip in UK; Edinburgh, Scotland.

First of all, some tips about travelling around by rail in UK:

All cities in UK are well connected by the rail system and as well as coach services. There are many different rail service providers for different parts of UK and each has their own individual website. To make things easier, just log onto to check out on the rail prices and schedule. 

Do book your ticket in advance and this will save you lots of ££££££ and usually rail schedules will only release 3 months before your travel dates!
For students and young adults, if you are wondering if you could get a discount for rail tickets, the answer is YES! BUTTTT.... provided that you have a "16-25 rail card".

This "16-25 rail card" is eligible for anyone age between 16 to 25 to apply. The rail card will cost £30 a year but it's super worth it if you intent to travel all around UK. Because you will get 1/3 off the original fare for all rail services. To apply, simply head down to any rail station with your passport and 1 passport photo, and immediately you will be issued a rail card!

More details, please check out

Ok, back to Edinburgh!

Whenever I think of Scotland, I will think of Skyfall the movie, all the mountains and gorgeous scenery. But unfortunately, those places are only accessible by cars and I don't drive and I always travel alone. So in the end I decided to go on a 1-day trip to the capital of Scotland.


Edinburgh is quite an accessible city; the main train station is located in the heart of the city. Most of the famous attractions are located near the train station as well. You can easily go around the city, visiting attractions just by foot.


 Edinburgh Old Town

Like all the other UK cities, Edinburgh has a really charming Old Town with some really classic European architecture.


Edinburgh Castle

The Edinburgh castle is one of the most famous attractions in the city. Edinburgh Castle dominates Scotland's capital city from its great rock, and its story helped shape the nation's story. Battles and sieges were fought over it, royalty lived and died within its wall, and countless generations have been inspired by it. I guess it’s a really unique attraction to visit if you are interested in history. 

However, with the whopping price of £16.50 just for the entrance fee, personally I would rather spend it on food... So I didn't enter the castle. What a shame, but I'm just a poor student. :(


I am always a foodie. Was freezing under the insane typhoon-like wind (was January when I visited, the coldest month of the season), so i randomly hopped into a cafe to get some warmth.  

I was certainly not interested in the Scottish haggis (a savoury pudding containing sheep's pluck, something similar to the english's black pudding), so I ordered a typical pancake with bacon. 

One of the reasons I decided to hop into this cafe was because I spotted a long queue into the cafe (being soooo singaporean here), was still wondering why was there a long queue only until upon leaving the place then I realized... Oh my word! This was the cafe where J.K. Rowling sat writing much of her early novels.


 Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Chanced upon this galley while walking down from Edinburgh Castle to Princes Street. Its free entrance, so why not?

Princes Street

Tried to get some bargain from the last bit of the post christmas sale and headed to princes street to have a look. This street offers a wide variety of brands and as well as restaurants.

Scott Monument 

At the far end of Princes Street, you can easily spot Calton Hill.


To walk to Calton Hill from Princes Street, you only have to walk straight and turn left once you have spotted this sign. It was only a short climb with a few flights of stairs and you will arrive at the peak of the hill and greeted with some magnificent views!   

 The National Monument

Duglad Steward Monument

Sky line of Edinburgh overlooking Princes Street

Every spot of the Calton Hill has its own unique view of different side of Edinburg, but all are truly magnificent and stunning! Despite the really crazy wind, I stayed there for more than an hour walking around the hill, and admiring the beauty of each and every view. 

ps. To be honest, I was waiting for a chance to ask a stranger to help me to take a photo too, but FAILED and I almost died from the cold... :X


Princes Street Garden

Despite all the bald trees, this is still a nice garden to chill at. Located right next to Princes Street, you can take a stroll in the garden to getaway from the hustle and bustle city centre and enjoy some peaceful time.


Randomly picked a restaurant for early dinner at Rose Street because it was raining heavily. However, Rose Street still has plenty of bars and cafes to choose from!


Sun sets at 4.30pm during winter, so I decided to catch the train home after the sun sets. I think that if you are travellers like me, prefer touch and go kind of sight-seeing, a 1 day trip might be sufficient, but Edinburgh has so much more to offer as a tourist destination. I somehow wished that I had more time so I can visit attractions like Arthur's Seat, whiskey museum and many more! If you are planning to visit Scotland, do give yourself at least 3 days to fully discover Edinburgh!

Till next time,

xx Pk

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